What’s Ocean thermal?

Ocean thermal is one of the main types of ocean energy: renewable energy derived from the sea.

However, unlike wave, wind, and tidal, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) provides a constant power source.

How OTEC works?

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the difference in temperature between the ocean’s warm surface water and cold deep water to run a heat engine.

The warm surface water evaporates liquid ammonia, which expands and spins a turbine to generate electricity. The evaporated ammonia is then condensed back into a liquid using the cold deep-water supply and is recycled continuously through this closed-loop system.

This Rankine cycle produces a continuous base load power. 

For OTEC, the optimal temperature difference between the warm surface and cold deep water is 20°C or more.

As such, the ‘OTEC Zone’ extends between the 23rd parallel north and 23rd parallel south covering ~40% of the earth’s surface – providing a critical source of renewable energy for coastal communities and industries.

Since the ocean comprises around 70% of the earth’s surface, it is a vast receiver and repository of solar energy.

While waves, winds, tides and currents are all forms of ocean renewable energy, which vary with time and season, conversely, an OTEC system permits the generation of constant power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Effectively the tropical ocean is acting as a gigantic thermal battery
— International Energy Agency

Benefits of Ocean thermal

Base Load

Ocean thermal energy conversion operates 24/7 delivering constant power with a capacity factor of ~95%, unlike intermittent renewable sources.


Ocean thermal is a carbon-free resource that emits zero emissions, greenhouse gases, and pollution during its power generation process.


OTEC uses ocean water heated by solar radiation, combining two of our planet’s most important free and renewable natural resources, as its fuel source.


An abundant energy source with the potential to provide up to 88,000 TWh per year, meeting global power demands several times over.

Energy Security

It enhances energy security by diversifying the energy mix and reducing dependence on imported fuels or supply chains subject to geopolitical risk.

Cost Effective

Already a cost-competitive option for multiple use cases and locations, continued technological innovation is making it more cost effective.

The challenge

The core OTEC concept (invented in 1881 around the time of the first hydroelectric plants) and technology have repeatedly been proven, and industry experts agree there are no significant technology or engineering challenges left to solve.

Then why isn’t OTEC infrastructure all over the OTEC Zone?

Essentially it comes down to economies of scale and the ability to balance variable buyer demand and monetize excess energy during low periods. OceanBit’s novel solution makes ocean thermal energy conversion more economical, efficient, and scalable unraveling our ocean-centric countries and companies’ reliance on fossil fuel energy sources.

What if instead of transporting energy across the oceans, we plugged into the largest solar capture process on earth?

Let’s create a 24/7 clean and renewable energy solution for our coastal communities and industries.

Head to our solution page to learn about our pioneering Demand Response OTEC paving the way for the future of ocean energy.